Thursday, March 21, 2013


My Uncle Colin (and Grandma Valez) are coming to Dungarvan today! My Uncle is awesome. They flew from the U.S. to Dublin over night.  This morning they got on a train to Waterford.  They were suppose to then take a bus to Dungarvan but "Cool Man" Tom, a reporter, said he would drive to get them in Waterford with my Uncle Rolfe. 

Colin is my Uncle's brother.  He used to live with us in California but then moved away before we did. 
Valez is my Uncles' mom.  She is very, very, very nice.
Tom is the man who helps all the Mercyhurst students in Dungarvan and he took me to a cattle auction.  He is knows a lot about everything! 


  1. I'm so very excited for all of you!

  2. I hope you guys have lots of fun.

  3. Are you thinking about buying cattle?

  4. Hi!! 5A is here with me and we're wishing you all a Happy Easter!! We have off school from Thursday, March 28 until next Monday. We're back to school on Tuesday, since we had to make up a day for Hurricane Sandy.
    Riley: What kind of foods are you eating there that are different from home?
    Aidan: HI!!! :D
    Katelyn: Look out for my sister, Amanda, because she will be going with Mercyhurst Prep High School from Thursday until ??? :D
    Lindsay: :D Are there any 4 leaf clovers?
    Elizabeth: Are you going to the museums and other cool places daily or does it take time to plan your destinations?
    Gracie: How's the weather?
    Riley: What does the air smell like? What kind of stores are there? Do you have WalMart? McDonald's
    Andy: What kind of TV / TV stations do you see?

    1. To Riley: They have a lot of meat pies. They are kind of like chicken pot pie but they have lots of different kinds. They are yummy! Some of them are really spicy like the curry ones but my favorite are the gravy pies. They also eat this sausage called black or white pudding. It is made from pig's blood! I also eat a lot of goujons. Goujons are pretty much chicken strips.

      To Aidan: Hi!!!

      To Katelyn: I will ask around about the Mercyhurst Prep kids!

      To Lindsay: I have not found any 4 leaf clovers but a lot of 3 leaf clovers. They sell 3 leaf clovers in the stores because of St. Patrick and the Holy Trinity. No one seems to care about the good luck ones! One of the Mercyhurst students is looking for a 4 leaf one for his grandma because her husband found one a long time ago when he was here.

      To Elizabeth: I don't go places everyday. I go with the students when they have organized trips. But, this week my grandma rented a car so we went to more places and my family is going to Dublin again next weekend.

      To Gracie: The weather got really cold this week(my Uncle Colin brought the bad weather with him). But, usually is has been really sunny but still a little cold.

      To Riley: They say the air smells different here and they sell little boxes of air to take home and smell. But, I haven't really noticed a smell expect when the cattle market is down the street (stinky). There aren't really any big stores like Walmart. But there is a McDonald's. Most of the stores seem like they are owned by the people who work there.

      To Andy: There is better TV at home. Here we get Irish and English channels. We only have 9 channels and one of them shows game shows all day. I think they really like game shows!

      To All: I like answering your questions! Please ask questions anytime!
