Thursday, March 7, 2013

Trinity College

When I was in Dublin, I went to Trinity College.  It is a very old university and it has the Book of Kells and other very old books in its library. 
Walking through the gates of Trinity College.

The Book of Kells is the 4 Gospels written in Latin.  It was written by monks over 1,200 years ago.  It has very detailed pictures and some of the letters are drawn to look like animals. I watched a movie when I was young called The Secret of Kells and it showed the monks working on the book.

This is a pic of a copy of the Book of Kells.  You can't take pictures of the real thing.

The library at Trinity College has a lot of very old books and they are stacked up to a very high ceiling.  When I was there, some of the librarians had to get a book down from a very high shelf.  They used an old tall latter.
A book on the high shelf.

In the library they also have the oldest harp in Ireland.  The harp is the symbol of Ireland. 

Oldest Harp in Ireland.
Hmm... which book should I check out?

Tomorrow I am going back to Dublin for the weekend.  I should have more things to share about Ireland when I get back on Monday.


  1. Have a great weekend!! How old is that harp?

    1. Hi Ms. Cairns,

      The harp is probably from the 1400's but it could be as old as the 1300's.


