Monday, March 4, 2013

$$ Euro $$

I took 20 Euro out of my bank using an ATM card here.  Taking out 20 Euro took out $25.98 in U.S. money from my bank account.

Here is a pic of the 20 Euro bill.

They also don't have $1 bills.  They use a lot of coins.  Here is a pic of a $1 and $2 Euro coin.


  1. Wow!! What timing!! I just made copies of Euros for the homework passes!! Do you know why they use more coins there than bills for their money?
    Fifth grade has a test Thursday on Chapter four!! I'm glad you're learning so much!!!

    1. Hi Ms. Cairns,

      My Aunt said that the coins are cheaper for the government because bills don't last as long. So using coins saves money. I googled it and found this about the U.S. $1 bills:
      "According to the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, if America gets rid of its $1 bill and replaces it with a dollar coin, the U.S. will save $5.5 billion on printing costs over the next 30 years." Here is the website:

      Is that the right answer?

      Thank you for all of your comments on my blog!



  2. Josh, Yes, that's exactly what I thought!!! I'm showing the blog to 5B now and will show it this afternoon to 5A.
    5B says "Hi!" How many bog bodies did you see? How are the rooms you're sleeping in?

    1. Hi 5B,

      I think there were 6 bog bodies in the museum. They were each in a clear box on their own in a little walled off area for each of them.

      The hotel I am staying in in Dungarvan is very big. We are in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo like unit. It even has its own backyard! There is also a big kitchen, a living room, and front entrance room. And I love my room! It's the perfect size. The hotel has pool which is right outside the front door of my condo. In the bedrooms there is no closets but there are huge wardrobes.


