Monday, April 15, 2013

Waterford Festival of Food

On Sunday, there was a big fair for the last day of the Waterford County Festival of Food.  Lucky for me, the festival is held in Dungarvan so I walked right from my home.  It was so crowded!  My Aunt had to use me a bowling ball to push through the crowds.

The weather was crazy!  It was soooooooo windy.  Ireland actually had a tornado warning for the day.  The sellers had to hang onto their tents and their hundred pound weights on the tent legs were being lifted up into the air!  But, at least in was sunny.

Most of the stands were food.  I ate a tasty wood fired pizza and some ice cream.  "Yum yum"

There was also whole pigs on a spit.  The head was gross.  This is a pic of me with a pig that hadn't been roasted....yet.

I also rode on a mechanical bull.  It was fun but a little scary.


  1. Josh - I still haven't seen any evidence that you found some traditional music to watch and listen to -- have you? remember that was the one thing I wanted you to do. And when you come upon the musicians, ask them to write down for you the name sof some of the tunes they are playing for your fiddler friend at home(you might have to ask pub owners or people at the hotel or school where you can go hear trad music)

    1. Mrs. Verity,

      I have listened to a lot of trad music but mostly in Dublin. They have it in Dungarvan too but it usually starts really late at night.

      I have a funny story about trad music. My Great Aunt and my regular Aunt were walking back from the town and saw a sign that said 'Trad Music' in really fancy cursive. They went in and asked what trad music was. The girl working looked at them really funny and then told them is was 'traditional music'. They felt really silly!


