Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Blarney Stone

The Blarney Stone is really high up in the ruins of an old castle.  People all over the world come to Ireland to kiss it (yuck).  The castle and the grounds are really neat.  It is my favorite castle (and I've seen a lot of castles)!

To get to the Blarney Stone you have to climb what seems like 3,000 steps up an old castle ruins.  You get very high up!

To kiss the Blarney Stone, you have to lie down on your back and then slide back over a hole that goes all the way down.  A guy helps hold you up while you slide your head down backwards to kiss the stone.  I thought I was going to die (and not from all the kissing germs on the stone)! 
Me kissing the Blarney Stone.

My Aunt kissing it.  But in her pic you can see the ground through the hole.
At the Blarney Castle, there is a lot of other cool stuff to see.  I went in some caves that the people living in the castle used to escape from people who were attacking it.  I also saw a witch's well and a magic garden.  It was all really neat!

1 comment:

  1. Josh, The general concensus among the 5A students is that they'd be afraid to kiss the blarney stone because of the height / hole in the ground!!!
