Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Some Irish Sayings for You!

People mostly speak English in Ireland.  But, before the English controlled Ireland, it had its own language.  Today, there is only a few places in Ireland where people speak Irish for their everyday business.  I am actually right by an area called the Ring where people still speak Irish more than English.

I found this map that shows where Irish was spoken in the 1870s.  It is a lot less today.


Here are some Irish sayings I found.

An rud is annamh is tontach.  -- What is strange is beautiful. 

Is glas lad cnoici bfad uainn.  -- Far away hills are green.

Ar mhaite leis fein a dheinneann cat cronan. -- It is for its own good that a cat purrs.

Nior bhris focal maith fiacal riamh. -- A good word never broke anyone's teeth.

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