Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Palm Sunday in Ireland

On Sunday, I went to mass at Saint Mary' Catholic Church in Dungarvan. There were somethings that are different.

First, they don't use palms.  The use things that look like evergreen branches.  It is actually the Irish Yew tree.  In Irish, Palm Sunday is called "Domhnach an Iuir" which means "Yew Sunday."

This is the Irish Yew.

This mass was all in English.  Some of the other masses are in Irish.  I think that the time I went was thte English mass.

Saint Mary's has a very neat alter.  A lot of stuff on the alter is made out of bogwood.  Bogwood is wood that is pulled out of bogs, just like bog bodies!  I will take a picture next time I'm at mass but don't have one now.
This is a bowl made from bogwood.

Also during mass, the priest blessed the wine and the body but only the priest had wine.  Everyone took communion but only got the body.  Afterwards, the priest went back to the alter and drank the wine.


  1. 5B is now seeing your latest entries!!
    We miss you! We look forward to your coming back in May!!
    What else do they make out of bogwood?
    Did you make any new friends?

    Happy Easter!

    1. Hi 5B,

      I've made a lot of new friends. Most of the Mercyhurst students like hanging out with me. And I made 2 friends my age named Isaac and Giles.

      They make lots of stuff out of bogwood because it is really cool looking. They sell little souvenir things (like harps, crosses, and shamrocks) made out of bogwood. Also, if you look at my Cahir Castle blog post you can see the head of a giant deer that was found in a bog.


      Josh from Ireland
