Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last Day in Dublin

Today I finished the whole bus tour and saw a ton of places.
I saw a statue of Molly Malone and there is a famous old song about her.  This is the most photographed statue in Dublin.

I also saw a lot of government buildings, Trinty College, Dublin Castle (which does NOT look like a castle), Christchurch Cathedral, National Museum of Archeology and History (Bog Bodies), St. Patrick's Cathedral, a few very old parks, Oscar Wilde's home, and many other famous buildings in Dublin.  I will write special blog posts about some of these things later.

Here is a pic of me with a Leprechaun I met after lunch.

Tomorrow I go to Dungarvan.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day at the Museum

Today I took a bus tour of Dublin.  The bus tour was fun because I rode on the top of two story bus.  It was cold to ride outside in February.  It was 3 degrees Celsius today.   That would be 37 degrees Fahrenheit.

Here is a pic of me in front of the National Irish Museum.  I saw an exhibit about the history of Irish soldiers.  A lot of the history of the fighting is about Irish independence from Britain.

I also went on a tour of the Guinness beer factory.  They have been making beer there since the 1700's and the inventor of the beer signed a 9,000 year lease to have the factory in Dublin. 

Guinness also makes the Guinness Book of World Records.  Guinness first made the book  for bartenders to keep the customers from fighting over who or what is the best or the biggest (stuff like that).

Helping an Old Man Pull in a Boat

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I made it to Dublin!

I flew overnight and got to Dublin at 8:00 in the morning. On the signs in the airport there was writing from an Irish language I don't know. I think it is Gaelic.

This is a pic of me by another sign in the Dublin airport.

I'm at the hotel now. I will keep updating my blog.